Captain Hollow's Chronicles
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lunes, 20 de noviembre de 2023

 Hace mil años que no escribo acá, no se por qué, no se cómo me desvié del camino. 

La seguí en

Venite una vuelta porque volví un toque. 

el capitán Hollow habló a las 4:55
&trend setter

Cap. Hollow

Just like always, endless dreamer


music, and writing, Anneke (:

&total disgust

I hate.. what I hate.

&how i wish

to dream again ♥

&dates to remember

April 12, November 21, September 17/18, October 10

&Thanks to:

Anna: For such a lovely photo, that i've used to make the header =D

&dudes and dudettes

Imprecisa Insatisfacción
Caught Screaming
Are you Suffering?
Shine, Wherever you are.
Bless The Child
Ink And Paper y algo más
Stop the train, John!
